22 December 2023
BCCM CEO Melina Morrison was interviewed for the December issue of the European Association of Co-operative Banks’ (EACB) member newsletter.
Melina has led transformative change on behalf of Australia’s cooperatives for 25 years. As the inaugural CEO of the BCCM, Melina spearheaded crucial reforms to enable cooperative banks and other financial service cooperatives and mutuals to access capital for investment and growth. Melina advocates for cooperatives in all sectors of the economy including finance and insurance, agriculture, retail, housing and social care.
Read Melina’s answers to these three questions:
- How does the current co-operative banking landscape in Australia look like?
- As CEO of BCCM, what do you consider the major challenges and priorities on the horizon for 2024?
- How can the EACB and international co-operation with its members assist you in achieving these objectives?
Read Melina’s interview in the December issue of the EACB member newsletter.