BCCM ESG Mutual Business Program 2024-25 (Edition 3)
Get your leading edge in ESG
The 2024-25 BCCM ESG Community of Practice (CoP) Program and workshop series is open to ESG CoP Alumni and BCCM members.
The ESG CoP Program commenced on Wednesday, 17 July 2024, where global ESG authority Dr Victoria Hurth discussed how to build a compelling and tailored ESG narrative and strategies for getting the board’s buy-in. This was followed by our second workshop on Wednesday, 28 August 2024 with the globally recognised “Father of ESG”, Colin Melvin from Arkadiko Partners.
Upcoming workshops
- ESG webinar 3: Building the capability to deliver on sustainability within your co-operative or mutual
- ESG webinar 4: Sustainability reporting and communications – best practice for co-ops and mutuals
- ESG webinar 5: Sustainability – the First Nations perspective
- ESG webinar 6: Climate action
For further information, please contact the community of practice leader Peter Watts.
Following our inaugural ESG Program commencing in 2022 – a world first in the co-op and mutual sector, there have been some significant moves forward, both within the world of co-operatives and mutuals (including the launch of the BCCM Co-operative and Mutual Climate Commitment) and the broader context with new reporting requirements from the Australian Government which are impacting our members as well as new rules on greenwashing.
We are committed to working with our sector via the Community of Practice to achieve progress in sustainability and ESG from the unique perspective of co-ops and mutuals. We have listened to feedback from members and understand the value of learning from an external perspective as well as from each other.
Program inclusions
This year, we are offering an enhanced value offering including:
- Six expert led workshops from international thought leaders and practitioners on sustainability and ESG – the program for the webinar series is attached – we will also be running a session on collaboration for sustainability following the take-out from the workshop with Dr Hurth.
- Flexible and demand driven access to the Sustainability Strategy for Co-operatives and Mutuals Training Program – covering topics including interpreting sustainability for co-operatives and mutuals, carbon accounting, Scope 3 assessment, biodiversity protection, international sustainability frameworks and creating long-term transformation.
We invite participating BCCM ESG Community of Practice members and BCCM members to participate in this, our third edition of the highly popular CoP program. The cost for the program is available upon request and can be contributed over two financial years.
Find out more
Download our ESG Community of Practice (CoP) Program brochure, which explains the program in more detail.
We will continue the successful online format of peer sharing and knowledge exchange together with subject matter experts and guest speakers. We will use the program to explore what members of the CoP have achieved since starting the program, particularly regarding the implementation of the Co-operative and Mutual Climate Commitment Policy – many of its clauses are reflected in the new and upcoming legal requirements around climate.
Please email [email protected] if you are interested in rejoining or joining the ESG CoP.
The investment you are making in ESG in your organisation today is key to the competitive edge you are seeking to secure into the future. We greatly look forward to your participation again in 2024/25 and to your valued input and shared practice and learning.