Co-operatives NSW Symposium event

10 September 2015

The Co-operatives NSW symposium, which is co-sponsored by the Co-operatives Research Group and the Co-operative Federation of NSW and held at the University of Sydney on 31 October 2015, will address a wide range issues in the co-operative sector including the legal framework and the role of social media. A particular focus will be food co-operatives, which are growing in both Australia and the US and have a focus on natural, local and sustainable food.

In the US these consumer co-operatives formed the National Co-operative Grocers’ Association, which has 143 food co-operatives that operate 190 stores in 38 states and have combined annual sales of over $1.7 billion and over 1.3 million customer members. Our plenary speakers will be Ellen Michel from the Cooperative Grocer Network in the USA and Peter Trappel from the Co-operative Food Group in Australia.

The symposium is free for staff and research students in the University of Sydney Business School and members of the Co-operative Research Group, The University of Sydney Business School.

View further details on the programme and registration.

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