Dr Rod Moore

MDA National
(2014 – 2020)

Dr Rod Moore was first elected to the MDA National Mutual Board in 1998 and served as Vice President from 2004 to 2007. Rod was elected as MDA National President in 2015 until his retirement last November.

The importance of our health workforce has been brought home starkly at this time of unprecedented global health crisis. The support that mutuals like MDA National provide to protect the wellbeing and sustainability of health care professionals has never been more important.

Rod brought his exceptional medical knowledge to this important area of risk management for the Australian medical profession and personally committed himself to learning, understanding and integrating the complex legal dimensions of indemnity.

This deep understanding of and involvement in the medical indemnity industry over 22 years has resulted in Rod having had a significant impact on the quality of health care delivered by MDA National Members to patients across Australia.

Rod’s leadership extended from the board room to management and his involvement with national and international industry bodies.

A passionate advocate for strong corporate governance contributed to board stability and the outstanding strategic guidance he provided MDA through the COVID-19 pandemic was critical to the successful negotiation of the challenges experienced by the medical profession and the organisation in this crisis.