02 September 2016
BCCM CEO, Melina Morrison with Deputy Prime Minster Barnaby Joyce and Kevin Hogan MP at the launch of the program in April
From 29-30 August, more than 200 industry experts from the agricultural sector attended a national forum to provide providing farmers with knowledge and materials on co-operatives, collective bargaining and other forms of collaboration took place.
The forum is part of the $14.9m Farm Co-operatives and Collaboration Pilot Program (FarmCCPP) which was launched by the Deputy Prime Minister The Hon Barnaby Joyce earlier this year. The FarmCCPP is a national two year program and will provide expert advice and information for up to 2000 farmers and 100 farmer groups across the country. The program is being run by Southern Cross University with assistance from the BCCM.
The BCCM played a central role at the forum with Melina Morrison, BCCM CEO hosting a roundtable workshop discussing how the recommendations in the recent Senate inquiry report into co-operative, mutuals and member-owned firms can help create a level playing field for the sector to ensure the sector can continue to grow and prosper.
Commenting at the launch of the forum, BCCM CEO Melina Morrison said “the FarmCCPP is an unprecedented program with potential to deliver long term improvements for farmers and the agriculture sector as a whole.”
“This forum in particular is an important step in closing the knowledge gap for producers who want to use the co-operative business model.”
“The FarmCCPP is in line with the BCCM’s aim of improving the environment for co-operatives to operate nationally and to increase the education and awareness of the co-operative sector in Australia”, added Ms Morrison.
Ms Morrison has also been named on an eight person panel who will provide ongoing advice to help drive the program to ensure it meets its objectives of providing expert advice and assistance to farmers across Australia looking to establish co-operatives or collaborative business models.
Visit the program website and the forum website.