BCCM CEO announces candidacy for President of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA)

24 May 2022

BCCM CEO, Melina Morrison, has announced her candidacy for President of the International Co-operative Alliance.

Melina has worked for two decades in the cooperative movement both internationally and in Australia, dedicating her time to raising the profile of our powerful, sustainable business model.

“Humanity stands at a precipice, and we must act to ensure that the economy works in the interests of human-centred prosperity. Failure to act, particularly to tackle climate change, will result in catastrophic disruption, with disproportionate impact on lower income countries and communities. Cooperatives continue to be disadvantaged by the lack of awareness of our business model, precisely at a time when it should be the preferred way to do business,” Ms Morrision said.

Melina’s three priorities for the ICA are Leadership, Communication, and Growth.

Melina will work with the board and members to elevate our business model globally, and will use her proven communication skills to help to bring our business model to the world’s attention.

“Increasing the number, size and reach of co-ops will be at the heart of everything I do as president.”

To view more about Melina, her campaign, and her priorities for the ICA, please visit her website.

Follow Melina’s campaign on LinkedIn and Twitter or to support Melina please share her campaign on your Twitter with the following text:

Leadership, Communication and Growth: Working together to transform our cooperative movement – follow @melina_bccm for President of @icacoop #leadership #communication #growth, and find out more about her campaign at melina.coop

What is International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)?

The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) is one of the largest non-governmental organisations in the world today, representing 1 billion co-operative members through its 318 members from 112 countries. It is the apex body representing co-operatives, which are estimated to be around 3 million worldwide, providing a global voice and forum for knowledge, expertise and co-ordinated action for and about co-operatives.

The ICA was established in 1895 to promote the co-operative model. Today it works with global and regional governments and organisations to create the legislative environments that allow co-operatives to form and grow.

At the United Nations, the ICA participates in high-level discussions of relevance to co-operatives through its consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which it has had since 1946, the first non-governmental organisation to do so.

The ICA also has individual partnership agreements with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and participates in the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy.

Since 1971, the ICA has been a founding member of the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC), a multi-stakeholder partnership of global public and private institutions that promotes and advocates for people-centred, self-sustaining co-operative enterprises, guided by the principles of economic, social and environmental sustainable development.

Discover more about global co-operative movement.


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