BCCM governance update

22 January 2024

The BCCM is pleased to share with members that Rohan Mead has been appointed Chair of the Board.

Rohan is the Group Managing Director and CEO of Australian Unity and has been a director of BCCM since 2016.

The BCCM thanks outgoing Chair Terry Agnew for his leadership and commitment to the co-operative and mutual movement and the BCCM.

Terry served as a director of BCCM from 2015 and as Chair from 2018, initially representing RAC WA and then as a non-member director.

Terry remains active on co-op and mutuals boards and we look forward to his continuing contributions to BCCM and the movement through these roles.

At the BCCM Annual General Meeting held in November, four directors were re-elected or elected:

  • Sheena Jack (HCF)
  • Peter Lock (Heritage and People’s Choice)
  • Alison Holloway (SGS Economics & Planning)
  • Robert Slocombe (RAC WA)

David Carter (RACQ) was also re-elected but has subsequently resigned as director.

Our humble thanks to all serving and retiring directors of the Board for their passion and contribution to the co-operative cause.

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