CBH Structure and Governance survey shows resounding member support for co-operative model

10 December 2016

Western Australian grain growers’ co-operative CBH today released the results of its Structure and Governance survey with the results showing almost 80% support for the co-op model amongst members.

Chairman Wally Newman said “It is heartening to see that our grower members deeply believe that CBH as a co-operative delivers value to their businesses and they trust that the co-operative will do the right thing for them.”

The results of the survey also showed that 70 percent of members want it to devise ways to ensure the co-op can benefit future generations of members.

The Structure and Governance survey comes in the wake of a proposal earlier this year backed by Grain Corp to convert CBH into a publicly listed company.

The survey showed that only 12% of members support becoming a publicly listed company.

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