Cooperative energy model is the missing piece in puzzle

07 March 2018

Pro Bono Australia

A genuinely cooperatively owned consumer retailer is the missing part of the energy puzzle in Australia, according to the head of the Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals.

Speaking in the wake of the announcement from SA BEST leader Nick Xenophon that he will cut power prices by as much as 20 per cent by setting up a community electricity co-op, BCCM CEO Melina Morrison said the co-operative model had an internationally proven track record for delivering services.

“The co-operative energy model is already being deployed in countries around the world, including the USA, Germany and Denmark,” Morrison said.

“The collective purchasing power created by this structure returns power back to the people.”

It comes after senator-turned-candidate for SA state premier, Xenophon, weighed into the South Australia energy war with an election promise to establish the Community Electricity Trust of SA (cETSA).

Read full article, Cooperative energy model is the missing piece in puzzlePro Bono Australia, 7 March 2018

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