Executive Leadership Program: Co-operatives and Mutuals

26 February 2015

Executive Leadership Program: Co-operatives and Mutuals

First held in 2014, the AIM WA – UWA Executive Leadership Program is based on action-learning and working on the real-life business problems and processes that managers and directors bring to the course.

Program Design and Facilitation:

  • World leading experts, Professor Tim Mazzarol and Dr Elena Limnios
  • Organisational Psychologists Dr Katy Tindall and Dr Steve Brown, plus various SME guest speakers
Download the course brochure.

Dates: 16-21 August, 2015

Main Content Areas Include:

  • Understanding Co-operative and Mutual Business Models
  • Governance and Leadership in Member Owned Businesses
  • Marketing our Co-operative Advantage
  • Financing Co-operative and Mutual Businesses
  • Legislative Structures and their Impact on Co-operative and Mutual Enterprises

Executive Testimonials: 

Kevin Ford, CEO, Mount Barker Cooperative Ltd:

I found participation in this program to be a rejuvenating and a motivating experience as the programme contained new and interesting challenges each day. The presenters were very supportive of the whole group and presented topics that were full of relevant and current content.

I left the sessions feeling empowered and positive given the opportunity to meet and mix with a group of fellow co-operatives with similar issues and opportunities. It was a valuable insight for me to experience the pure power of participating in the support groups by sharing information and being exposed to a broad range of knowledge and skills that will help me immensely in the future.

The programme has certainly increased my ability to work closer with my board and hopefully will produce better outcomes for all stakeholders in the future.

Stephen Birch, Head of Supply, Capricorn Society:

Congratulations to the Team for building and delivering the Executive Leadership program on Co-operatives and Mutuals. The time invested in researching the material has built a foundation so that we can all gain a better understanding of Co-operatives and their role in society. The course was fast paced and loaded with worthwhile information and interaction, I have walked away with many new ideas to share with my business colleagues.

Wayne Hosking, CEO, Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative:

The Executive Leadership Program for Cooperatives and Mutuals was a great opportunity to step away from the business and think more deeply about why the Geraldton Fishermen’s Cooperative exists, and what it can do to better engage with and serve it’s members. The depth and breadth of information and analysis was impressive, while the commitment of the presenters to the subject matter was beyond what you would normally encounter in a standard executive training program. The opportunity to meet and work with peers in the cooperative community was invaluable, especially given the regional location for many of the attendees. It’s clear that everyone left the program with a clear list of concrete actions to implement in their respective organisations.

AIM WA/UWA will also run a 360 leadership evaluation which we will debrief on the Sunday before the program. AIM WA / UWA will weave the concepts through the program and in particular link the main aspects to the seven principles of co-operative an mutual organisations.


  • $7,800 plus GST
  • $7,200 plus GST for Corporate/Professional Members of AIM WA

Format: Full residential. Accommodation at Rendezvous Hotel on Scarborough Beach

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