First Australian speakers announced for International Summit of Cooperatives 2016

26 May 2016

With five months to go until the event, the International Summit of Cooperatives 2016 is pleased to announce the participation of speakers from Australia for its third edition, which will run from October 11 to 13, 2016 in Québec City, Canada, at the initiative of the Desjardins Group and the International Co-operative Alliance. They are among the first 100 experts to confirm their attendance from among the 150 leading figures expected from around the world.

These eminent experts will have a perfect forum for discussing the main global economic issues and the key role of cooperatives and mutuals in setting in place sustainable development strategies. Their contributions, revolving around the theme of Cooperatives: The Power to Act, will provide the opportunity to outline the international political, social, economic and financial situation, and to review the business models that would be most conducive to global prosperity, including the cooperative route.

The following is the list of speakers from Australia who have already announced their attendance at the Summit. If you would like to learn more about them and the themes they will be covering, please click on their name.

Trent Bartlett, Independant Director, Co-operative Bulk Handling (CBH Group)

Andrew CRANE, CEO, Co-operative Bulk Handling (CBH Group)

Bradley GANNON, General Counsel and Company Secretary, Capricorn Society

Melina MORRISON, CEO, Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals

Adrian WATTS, Chairman, National Health Co-op

Blake WILSON, Vice President, National Health Co-op

See the full list of speakers who will be attending the Summit. More will be added over the coming weeks.

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