Mutuals represented on Worksafe Victoria insurance agent panel

07 April 2016

WorkSafe Victoria has announced a new agent panel to manage workplace injury insurance claims and premium collection in the state with Employers Mutual, a BCCM member, one of the five insurers named. Employers Mutual will replace former agent QBE on the panel.

The announcement comes at the conclusion of a 10 month, three-stage bid selection process in which scheme agents were extensively assessed on the quality of their service delivery, their capacity to meet the individual needs of customers, and their expertise and performance in claims management.

Agents manage WorkCover insurance registrations and workers’ compensation claims, and provide guidance to employers and workers, including how to achieve a safe return to work. More than 210,000 employers contribute to Victoria’s workplace injury insurance system, and WorkSafe agents manage the claims of more than 90,000 injured workers every year.

Victoria has Australia’s second lowest workers’ compensation premium rates (1.272% of remuneration).

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