New report says co-operatives and mutuals have a key role in the future of public service delivery

28 November 2013

 The role for co-operatives and mutuals in delivering Australian public services – Download the report.

The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals has today released a report that sets out the comparative advantage of co-operative and mutual models in delivering Australia’s public services of the future.

Key findings:

  • Co-operatives and mutuals must play a more significant role in delivering public services in light of persistent ‘wicked problems’ and a shrinking tax base
  • Co-operatives and mutuals have a comparative advantage over other legal models, such as the capacity to facilitate a collective response and address market failure
  • Co-operatives address information asymmetry, engage end users and empower consumers in market supply chains
  • Australia has excellent examples of successful public service co-operatives and mutuals
  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides a unique opportunity to implement a co-operative response strategy

BCCM will create an independent task force with responsibility for specifying the terms of reference for a green paper

Download the report

BCCM Round table event, Nov 18

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