Pope Francis: Co-ops are the productive economies for the poor

14 July 2015

On his current visit to Latin America, Pope Francis has praised co-operatives and other localised organisations saying they provide productive economies for the poor. In his speech, the Pontiff criticised global capitalism as a “subtle dictatorship” and describing it as an underlying cause of global injustice and a prime cause of climate change.

The speech was made in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz, before nearly 2,000 social activists, farmers, trash workers and neighbourhood activists. Pope Francis is often quoted as saying change must come from the grass roots, whether from poor people or the community organisers who work with them.

This is not the first time the Pontiff has expressed his support and appreciation for the co-operative business model. Previously he stated co-operatives must continue to be “the motor that uplifts and develops the weakest parts of our local communities and civil society.”

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