Unleashing ownership, unleashing potential: The game-changing impact of The Bunya Fund

11 March 2024

The Bunya Fund opens for 2024

The Bunya Fund plays a pivotal role in supporting a range of projects that embody the co-operative spirit across different communities in Australia. From community living and affordable housing to sustainable agriculture and vocational training, these initiatives contribute to shared social, economic, environmental and cultural development. After two successful rounds involving 16 new and emerging co-operatives in 2023, round three applications for The Bunya Fund are now open.

The Bunya Fund is Australia’s first co-operative development fund designed to help grow the next generation of high impact co-ops and mutuals. Founding funders include Bank Australia, Australian Unity and Co-operative Bulk Handling (CBH). The next round of The Bunya Fund recipients will follow in the footsteps of other impactful next-gen co-ops, including:

  • Co-operation Housing: With The Bunya Fund’s support, Co-operation Housing is pioneering a future of community living that balances sustainability with affordability through shared ownership.
  • The Pack Music Cooperative: Empowered by The Bunya Fund, The Pack Music Co-operative is reshaping the music industry where artists thrive together, setting a new standard for collective ownership and prosperity through the creating of a co-operatively owned music streaming platform.
  • Earthworker Construction Cooperative: The Bunya Fund has propelled Earthworker Construction Cooperative to the forefront of sustainable building and equitable employment. This venture exemplifies how co-operative principles can address environmental concerns while fostering job equality, highlighting a green and just future.

The Bunya Fund offers $5,000-$25,000 in capacity building, including advisory services from BCCM members and partners, infrastructure investment, governance training, support with impact measurement, and BCCM Associate Membership for the financial year. This support aims to remove barriers to growth for co-operatives and mutuals.

The Bunya Fund panel of experts seeks applications from emerging co-operatives and mutuals demonstrating ethical practices, clear goals, significant community impact, viability, essential documentation (annual report, business plan, financials), and robust member/community engagement. Applications should highlight how they meet these criteria to support their vision for economic, social, cultural, and environmental improvement within their communities.

Visit the BCCM website for more information and to apply.

Applications close at 5 pm, Friday, 12 April 2024.

“The Bunya Fund has been a gamechanger.”
Eugenie Stockmann, Co-operation Housing

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