Kevin Andrews MP opens ‘Making it Mutual’ workshop

18 March 2014

Kevin Andrews MP, Minister for Social Services, this week opened the Making it Mutual workshop at the National Press Club, Canberra. KevinAndrews

Read a transcript of the full speech on the Minister’s website.

“That’s why The Role of Co-operatives in Delivering Australian Public Services published by the BCCM last November is such an interesting and timely document.

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to meet Melina Morrison of the BCCM and Gillian McFee of the Public Services Mutuals Task Force to discuss this report.

And in that meeting I’m happy to report we found considerable common ground.

The co-operative and mutual sector has tremendous potential to foster innovative modes and methods of addressing the unmet needs of our society.”

“The co-operative and mutual sector will have an important role to play in this Government’s effort to care for those in need while living within our means.

And working with you we want to implement policies that will put Government, not in the drivers’ seat of policy, but under the bonnet providing the power that will help us all to steer a good Australia to an even better place in the future.”

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