Murray Goulburn and the changing dairy landscape

13 August 2014

Murray Goulburn and the changing Australian dairy industry have been featured in an editorial in BusinessDay: Murray Goulburn tackles changing dairy landscape, 3 August 2014

The piece focusses on issues of competition, highlighted by Murray Goulburn’s bid for Warnambool Cheese and Butter in 2013, which has prompted debate on competition law.

Murray Goulburn boss Gary Helou put the issue firmly on the map last year when he tried to buy Warrnambool Cheese & Butter but was frustrated by competition concerns from the ACCC. He tried to play the national champion card as an attempt to get round the competition law, but withdrew from the bid due to the time it would have taken in the competition review process.

Previous coverage on Murray Goulburn Warnambool bid:

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