Mutual Leader to chair COBA

24 February 2015

Wendy Machin, NRMA Director and Deputy Chair, has been appointed as the new Independent Chair of the Board of the Customer Owned Banking Association. Wendy will begin her two-year appointment as board Chair on 1 March 2015.

Wendy brings a wealth of experience in the mutuals sector to the role. Wendy has an intimate understanding of customer-focused business models through her work in government and the private sector, along with chairing one of the country’s largest mutuals, the NRMA, for six years. Wendy is also a Director of the Australian Automobile Association, which represents 7 million members.

Prior to her time at the NRMA, Wendy served in the NSW Legislative Assembly for 11 years, holding the Consumer Affairs portfolio in Government at the time of the introduction of uniform consumer credit laws. She has since enjoyed a successful business career.

COBA said that the appointment of an independent Chair will ensure strong member engagement at all levels, which will help the organisation better understand it’s members’ needs and continue to provide value to members. The appointment will add further impetus to the organisation’s member engagement focus, and will help the industry collaborate, innovate and grow.

The BCCM congratulates Wendy on her appointment, and looks forward to continuing our strategic partnership with COBA into the future.

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