Defence Bank unveil a world first in customer service

24 August 2015

In what is considered to be a world first in customer service, Defence Bank, a BCCM member, has unveiled a mobile application that enables its 90,000 customers to make video calls with bank staff. The app from the member owned bank can now be downloaded through Google Play and App Store after being first used in Brisbane.

Defence Bank CEO, Jon Linehan, said the bank has been acutely aware of the geographical dislocation of many of its customers.

“The Video Call app has been developed to allow face-to-face content with our dedicated member service team from a location that’s convenient to each individual member,” he said.

“Aside from downloading the app, no registration process is required for accessing video calls. Members, or even prospective members, simply download it and call at those designated times.”

Mr Linehan said the bank’s customers had been particularly receptive to online banking and he expected the app to be keenly adopted.

“They will be able, in a secure way, to handle all their banking needs including home loans, personal loans, car loans, term deposits and investments, insurance and everyday banking,” he said.

“Many Defence Force members are in their 20s and early 30s and want this type of technology. What has to be remembered is that military personnel, in particular, are regularly transferred, so this will allow them to establish a personal banking relationship even when they don’t have access to a branch,” he concluded.

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