Co-ops “Step it Up” for gender equality on IWD 2017

08 March 2017

In recognition of International Women’s Day, the global peak body for co-operatives, the International Co-operative Alliance, has focused attention on how the changing nature of work and labour market presents different scenarios for women and men.

For example, the chances for women to participate in the labour market remains almost 27 percent points lower than for men.

Women are more likely to be unemployed, with unemployment rates of 6.2 percent compared to 5.5 percent for men.

The wage gap is estimated at 23 percent which means that women earn 77 percent of what men earn.

The quality of women’s work remains a challenge.

Women have less access to social security and are overrepresented in the sectors of lower productivity, status and income.

In a labour market where new business models challenge traditional structures and entrepreneurship, female empowerment and access to suitable education for women and girls is crucial.

Today, 62 million girls between the ages of 5 and 15 do not attend school, or are lagging in academic progress in secondary education.

On IWD 2017 we invite Australian co-operatives and mutuals to join the world’s co-operatives to maintain our adherence to co-operative principles and values as powerful strategies to address persistent gender inequalities at work.

Read the full statement of the International Co-operative Alliance on International Women’s Day 2017.

What is the BCCM doing about workplace gender issues in 2017? Read about Eliza’s Project.

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