ESG webinar 3: Building the capability to deliver on sustainability within your co-operative or mutual

31 October 2024 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

The 2024-25 BCCM ESG Community of Practice (CoP) Program and workshop series is open to ESG CoP Alumni and BCCM members.

Workshop Webinar #3 – Building the capability to deliver on sustainability within your co-operative or mutual

The scale of local and global challenges such as the imperative to deal with climate and biodiversity impacts means that sustainability can no longer be the remit of a single specialist but needs to be reflected through almost all areas of governance. In this workshop we will hear from leaders who have successfully built the capability to deliver on sustainability through developing skills, empowering people and defining clear roles and responsibilities.

For further information, please contact the community of practice leader Peter Watts.


31 October 2024
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm




By Delivery
By Audience
CEOs, Leadership
By Member
By Topics
Executive management, Governance

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