Are co-ops the way to fix aged care?

03 February 2021

With the final recommendations of the royal commission due this month, many people in the aged care sector are urgently trying to find new and sustainable ways to deliver aged care in anticipation of massive changes that may be on the way.

One group, the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM), believe that member-owned businesses are the way to deliver better outcomes for older Aussies and the people working within the aged care sector.

“Co-operative and mutual enterprises are borne out of the communities they serve. Social care is at its best when the community it is designed to serve is at the heart of its governance. There could be no more natural fit for aged care, or any form of social care, than the co-operative model,” says BCCM CEO, Melina Morrison.

Continue reading: Are co-ops the way to fix aged care?
Aged Care Insite, 3 February 2021

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