ME Bank and Co-op continue successful partnership

16 February 2015

BCCM Members ME Bank and The Co-op will continue their commercial partnership, in which new members of The Co-op can apply for an ME Bank EveryDay transaction account upon joining the Co-op. The partnership began in early 2014 and saw 9,000 members sign up for the joint ME Bank Debit MasterCard and Co-op membership card in 2014.

ME Bank CEO Jamie McPhee said:

“As well as strategic, the partnership has proven successful by sourcing new and young customers,” Mr McPhee said.

“Co-op has unmatched access to university students, many of whom are still establishing financial independence and are less likely to be loyal to other financial institutions,” he said.

“Together with the Co-op, ME Bank has the opportunity to build relationships with these customers early on by saving them money now and as they get on with university life and enter the workforce.”

Peter Knock, CEO of The Co-op:

“We definitely see this combined card as being the university undergraduates’ equivalent of the school bank account, except it has more relevance both for their now and their future financial needs,” he said.

Source: ME Bank continues student offer, Mortgage Business, 13 February 2015

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