British Dairy farmers to co-own co-operative

15 October 2013

Around 1,600 British dairy farmers of the Arla Food Milk Partnership (AFMP) have been offered the chance to become co-owners of Arla Foods, one of the biggest farmer co-operatives in Europe.

Speaking about the ownership proposal, Jonathan Ovens, chairman of AFMP, said: “I’m delighted that we have agreed the terms of the roadmap which offer circa 1,600 farmers the benefit of joining a major European cooperative that consistently pays one of the highest milk prices and a share of the profits.

“This move takes our ambition to the next level by providing the security of a milk price determined by European and world markets, from a well-balanced, well-invested, farmer-owned business, which has access to the global marketplace and operates across all dairy categories.

“Quite simply, Arla Foods amba is owned by farmers and run for the benefit of farmers. There is a natural alignment of our interests with the existing dairy farms’ owners. I will be joining and I hope that fellow members will choose to join too,” he added.

Source: Cornwall Live.




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