Business leaders champion non-speculative economy at B20

16 July 2014

For the first time in its history, the B20 will feature a representative from the Co-operative sector, Dr Andrew Crane, CEO CBH Group and Chairman, Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM).

At the B20 meeting in Sydney on the 16-18 July, business leaders from 20 world economies will come up with a series of policy recommendations to present to the G20 Summit in Brisbane in November.

Dr Crane will provide business diversity to the group by representing the Co-operatives and Mutuals that globally represent one million businesses and generate 100 million jobs. Eight in ten Australians is a member of a co-operative or mutually owned business (13 million members).

The Top 300 Co-ops businesses in the world have an aggregate turnover of 2 trillion. They include giants like Rabobank and Fonterra. As member-owned not investor-owned businesses they are part of the non-speculative economy that delivers superior sustainability over time and real jobs growth as their performance during the GFC demonstrated.

The following international delegates are in Australia for the B20 summit, joining Australian and New Zealand co-operative and mutual leaders:

  • Dame Pauline Green, President, International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)
  • Shaun Tarbuck, Chief Executive Officer, Interantional Co-operative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF)
  • Jean Louis Bancel, Presiden, Credit Cooperatif
  • Dr Ariel Guarco, President, Internacionales Cooperar

International coverage:

World first appointment of co-operative business leader to the B20 industry group, BCCM, 12 Dec 2013


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