Opinion: The critical role of Co-operatives and Mutuals

27 August 2014

Director of Research and Development at Net Balance, Les Hems has written an opinion piece for Pro Bono News ahead of the launch of the BCCM White Paper, Public Service Co-operatives and Mutuals: A Third Way for Delivering Public Services in Australia.

Next week Minister Andrews will launch a White Paper commissioned by the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals, it comprises a set of recommendations that focus on an expanded role for co-operatives and mutuals in delivering public services – Public Service Mutuals. This third way for delivering public services seeks to complement and interface with government, business and Not for Profit organisations.

The rationale for Public Service Mutuals was presented in a Green Paper and focused on the comparative advantage of co-operatives and mutuals based on the ownership and active involvement of members – whether they be service consumers, employees or service providing organisations; and the reinvestment of surpluses for the benefit of their members.

Public Service Mutuals have the potential to empower individuals and communities. Consumer owned Public Service Mutuals can help individuals to operate collectively in client directed markets, such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme, to achieve real choice and control.

People with disabilities owning a Public Service Mutual will allow them to design and specify their services and negotiate with service providers to purchase services in bulk. They will be able to get better services which offer real value for money – not only for them but also for government and the tax payer.

Read the full piece in Pro Bono News, The Critical Importance of Co-Ops and Mutuals, 27 Aug

Read more on the Public Service Mutuals White Paper


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