Earthworker Co-operative crowdfunding drive

26 June 2014

Earthworker Co-operative is currently engaged in a crowdfunding campaign to assist in transforming their small business partner factory in Dandenong into an Earthworker solely owned factory.

small business partner factory in Dandenong into an Earthworker Cooperative factory, – See more at:
small business partner factory in Dandenong into an Earthworker Cooperative factory, – See more at:
small business partner factory in Dandenong into an Earthworker Cooperative factory, – See more at:

Earthworker is a community-led initiative to provide sustainable, wealth-creating jobs that empower local communities and provide clean energy solutions.

Earthworker is setting up an Australia-wide network of community owned cooperatives, beginning with Eureka’s Future, a worker owned factory to manufacture high quality solar hot water systems in Morwell, in the heart of Victoria’s coal-burning LaTrobe Valley.

Forging unlikely alliances between trade unionists, environmentalists and small manufacturers, the project is a powerful and positive endeavour to revitalise local economies, address climate change, and assist a ‘just transition’ from fossil fuel to clean renewable energy.

Contribute to Earthworkers campaign on Start Some Good

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