Guest blog: Talking Turkey

04 December 2014

Workers from the closing Ingham’s turkey processing plant at McLaren Value in South Australia have joined forces with local producers with a view to taking over the factory.

By the end of 2014 (just in time for the holiday period), Ingham plans to close its South Australian turkey processing plant.  The decision will mean, amongst other things, that 79 employees will lose their jobs.

The employees and producers have banded together to form the ‘Fleurieu Poultry Co-operative’ which aims to buy or lease the business and establish a member owned and operated factory.

In a recent ABC News broadcast it was poignantly argued that  Ingham’s decision to close its factory should not automatically mean the death of something which operated efficiently and profitably prior to Ingham ownership.

This story serves as timely reminder, particularly at this time of the year, of how the co-operative structure can be used to empower a local community to take collective ownership and control of an important local asset, which they wish to continue operating for the benefit of local employees notwithstanding their employer’s decision to discontinue.

Please contact Mayweathers if you require any legal information on co-operatives and mutuals.

Read more:

Ingham turkey workers hope to take over South Australian factory due to close this month, ABC News,  1 Dec

Workers look to take over McLaren Flat turkey plant by June,, 2 Dec

This blog has been contributed by Mayweathers, an Associate Member of the BCCM

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