How the world marked the International Day of Co-operatives

07 July 2020

Co-op sector bodies around the world also joined the campaign. Australia’s Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) said it “knows all too well the serious implications of climate change” with its membership including farmers and agricultural industries that have faced months of heightened challenges from drought, bushfires and Covid-19.

Chief executive Melina Morrison said: “While it has taken shareholder pressure for some of the world’s largest companies to take action on climate change, co-operatives and mutuals have been ahead of the curve, responding rapidly to the concerns of members.”

BCCM highlighted Australian co-op initiatives such as a Bank Australia‘s ‘clean money’ platform with a commitment not to invest in the fossil fuel industry, while Teachers Mutual Bank has been carbon-neutral for six years with its fossil-free banking.

Other examples include as Hepburn Wind community energy and grassroots co-ops such as Hobart’s Resource Work Co-op.

Read the article at
6 July 2020

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