ICA launch consultation for guidance notes on cooperative principles

18 June 2015

The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) is inviting co-operators from across the world to join a consultation for the guidance notes on the co-operative principles. Due to the globalisation of economies and further developments in technology, the ICA have called on the need for guidance notes on the practical application of the co-operative principles in the modern 21st century world. The draft version of the guidance notes is available on the ICA’s website.

This initiative is embedded within the Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade as a fundamental activity to shape the pillar of Identity, strengthening the co-operative difference. The ICA have added that these notes are guidance for co-operatives operating in different legislative jurisdictions with differing regulatory requirements, serving many different communities and cultures.

The online survey to contribute is available on the ICA’s website with contributions accepted until 1 August. The final notes will be presented at the Alliance’s global conference in Antalya, Turkey, in November 2015.

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