Solidarity fund to address health needs and provide livelihood support in India and Nepal

11 May 2021

Source: International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)

India and Nepal are experiencing an unprecedented surge in COVID-19 infections and deaths. Cooperatives and their members have not been immune to the impact of the pandemic. The health, lives and livelihoods of members and their families have been affected; and businesses of cooperatives have been disrupted.

Cooperatives in India are already demonstrating how to make a real difference to members and communities:

These are the few we know, but there are many more doing their part and they need global support.

In order to coordinate the international solidarity efforts, the International Cooperative Alliance has set up the ‘Cooperatives Combat COVID-19’ fund where you can donate. See the details below:


Bank Name:

Branch Name:

Bank Address:



Alliance Coopérative Internationale

KBC Brussels

KBC Brussels Dailly

Place Dailly 3 – 1030 Brussels – Belgium

BE28 7340 3825 7920


Important! Reference “Donation India & Nepal” when sending the bank transfer

The ICA Asia and Pacific (ICA-AP) Regional Office, NCUI and NCFN will work together to channel your contributions to cooperatives and those working to support cooperatives and their members.

There is also a need for in-kind contributions. In case you would like to send oxygen concentrators, oximeters, PPE kits, medicines, and other supplies, please reach out to the ICA-AP ([email protected]), the NCUI ([email protected]) and the NCFN (Chitra Subba [email protected]).

Your messages of well wishes are also important! Please send these to [email protected].

Find further updates and the messages of solidarity.

Caption: Photo by Firos nv on Unsplash

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