BCCM study tours

The BCCM curates national and international study tours to enhance collaboration and learning in the sector. BCCM’s study tour clients include co-operative and mutual businesses, governments, non-profit organisations, consultancy organisations and researchers.

The BCCM has a strong track record of informative, purposeful and enjoyable study tours, including a European co-operative housing study tour in April 2024, as well as a tour of UK mutuals and a US East Coast study tour of social care co-operatives and mutuals, both in 2018.

2024 European co-operative housing study tour

Our past co-operative study tours

BCCM’s European co-operative housing study tour in April 2024 visited Copenhagen, Vienna and Zurich, to learn about the housing co-operative model and its benefits. The tour covered a variety of affordable co-operative housing models and examined financing mechanisms that have ensured the growth of these sectors. Participants:

  • Visited housing co-operatives and met with co-op housing members, heard the stories of how they were developed and got a first-hand understanding of the benefits for residents of affordable co-operative housing.
  • Learned about the development of the large affordable housing co-operative sectors and the financing and legal systems that made their growth possible.
  • Obtained an understanding of the societal benefits and social impact of affordable co-operative housing.
  • Assessed how we can support the growth of housing co-operatives in Australia.

Read Unlocking the “Missing Middle”: Lessons from the European co-operative housing sector.

In December 2018, The South Australian Department of Industry and Skills created an opportunity for a select group of service providers and change-makers from South Australia to learn more about how co-operatives can help transform the NDIS and aged care through innovation and new business models. The tour was curated and led by the BCCM. View the East Coast Co-operatives Look and Learn Study Tour.

In September 2018, the BCCM hosted a study tour to the UK, visiting leading public service mutuals and an East Coast Study Tour to disability, aged care, housing and health co-operatives.

Additionally, BCCM staff members undertake individual study tours. BCCM’s Policy and Government Affairs Manager, Anthony Taylor, shared his notes from a July 2022 study tour where he visited co-operatives in Spain and Italy.