The BCCM announces 2022 Honour Roll Inductees

18 November 2022

Two outstanding contributors to industry have been added to the BCCM Honour Roll for 2022.

The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) recognises the exceptional leadership of:

  • Lynne McLennan, past Chief Executive Officer of UFS Dispensaries Ltd
  • Steve Anthony OAM, founder and volunteer CEO, Supporting Independent Living Cooperative Limited (SILC).

The honours were conferred at the 2022 BCCM Taste of Australia dinner on Thursday, 17 November 2022 in Melbourne.

The BCCM Honour Roll is a virtual ‘hall of fame’ recognising outstanding leaders of the co-operative and mutual sector and acknowledging their contributions to their industries.

BCCM CEO Melina Morrison said: “This is our opportunity to recognise outstanding service and dedication to the co-operative and mutual sector.”

“Resilience, endurance, integrity, compassion and assistance are all qualities that we acknowledge in our Honour Award recipients. Co-operative and mutuals leaders have called upon these qualities to help them serve the needs of their millions of Australian members during the pandemic,” said Morrison. “This year we welcome two more exceptional people who have translated their passion for co-operatives and mutuals into a lifetime dedication to the sector.”

During the 21-year period under Lynne’s leadership, UFS experienced significant growth and diversification. Over this period, revenue quadrupled from around $20 million to over $80 million and the number of financial UFS members more than doubled to over 50,000 members.

Lynne has always fiercely supported and passionately promoted the mutual model of ownership, taking whatever opportunity presented itself to communicate the fact that UFS is owned by its members and exists only to benefit its members.

Lynne has also made a huge contribution to the voice of mutual community pharmacy in Australia – AFSPA (Australian Friendly Society Pharmacy Association), having served as the Victorian representative on the AFSPA Executive Committee for 20 years, with eight of those years as President.

“Lynne has been an exceptional leader; she is intelligent, uses sound business judgement with courage to act when outcomes are uncertain and inspires excellence in others to make the most of their potential.” Graeme Dixon, Chair, UFS Dispensaries Ltd

Steve Anthony OAM is the father of Patrick, a young man with Autism and complex support needs. Steve identified a need for better accommodation services for people with complex disability support needs which means people with a disability remain connected with their community and family once they move out of home. He believes people with a disability should be able to choose who they want to live with and where they want to live, and they deserve to be supported to thrive, not just survive, in their community.

Steve achieved identifiable and lasting changes to improve and promote CMEs through setting up SILC as a family-governed modelled organisation which requires each house to set up as their own co-operative, and to operate under co-operative principles and rules. Many of the families join SILC’s model because of the ability to part of something more than housing support – they value the opportunity to be part of a community.

“Steve’s work at SILC is really foundational and radical for the sector. I feel he’s moved the community forward in their understanding of how particularly autistic adults can actually live and what they can contribute.” Mary-Louise Singh, Quality and Practice Co-ordinator, SILC.

Steve’s commitment to the CME sector is demonstrated by the time he donated from 2016–2022 as pro bono CEO and CFO. Steve worked tirelessly to support other families to set up accommodation model, and selflessly shared his skills and knowledge to assist other families to have their child’s home and living goals and dreams realised.

“Lynne and Steve are very worthy recipients of this honour. Each of them has made a significant impact within both their organisation and the sector more broadly, increasing access to dignified care and championing the co-operative and mutual movement. Their sustained dedication to their work exemplifies the kind of leadership that results in thriving organisations and communities” Melina Morrison, CEO, BCCM.

Watch the 2022 Honour Roll Inductees video

Watch the BCCN Honour Roll past inductees’ video

View the 2022 Honour Roll Inductees photo gallery


Steve Anthony OAM and Lynne McLennan

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