TMB ranks high in corporate social responsibility report

02 June 2015

In its 2015 review reviewing the state of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Australia and New Zealand, the Australian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ACCSR), has  ranked Teachers Mutual Bank as one of the region’s most sustainable companies. This is only the second time TMB has participated in the review, and the first time it has been named to the review’s CSR Top Ten Organisations.

TBM scored 94% for CSR Management and 93% for CSR Innovation were far higher than the ‘finance and insurance industry’  and ‘all industry’ averages. The review found that TMB’s scores in each category were far higher than the ‘finance and insurance industry’  and ‘all industry’ averages.

The review published annually since 2007 is the biggest ongoing survey of CSR practice and performance in Australia.  The review scores and ranks eight metrics for CSR Management and CSR Innovation, based on employee rankings from 1,000+ professionals working in sustainability or related fields.


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