Mutuo launch manifesto ahead of UK general election

14 April 2015

In the run up to the UK’s general election next month, Mutuo has released a document outlining how co-operative and mutual businesses can contribute to the UK’s growth and prosperity. Mutuo is the UK’s leading advocate for mutuals, promoting all types of co-operative & mutual business.

The Business for People: The Mutuals Manifesto 2015 outlines the value that co-operative and mutuals bring to the UK and the ways to foster further development and progression in the UK economy. Divided into five thematic sections, the manifesto addresses for example the need for political leadership through policy and fiscal measures, actions to improve the workings of government and reforms needed in the laws and regulations governing mutuals.

In launching the manifesto, Peter Hunt, Mutuo Managing Partner stated “There is a positive role for the next Government in ensuring that mutuals can play their full part in our economy and society. This Manifesto provides a roadmap for helping to make this a reality.” The UK general election is set to take place on 7 May.

Read our CEO’s thoughts on how the Australian economy can learn from the co-operative and mutual business model.

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