Uneven playing field for co-ops highlighted on RN Breakfast

03 February 2016

There are many examples of communities turning to their own pooled resources to fill the gaps that governments neglect. More often, communities are now turning to the co-operative mutual model of enterprise to ensure their communities have the access to various critical services like healthcare, disability care, aged care and other vital services.

However, there is not an even playing field in the business landscape. People and communities wishing to set up a co-operative face many hurdles on their journey to start such an enterprise compared to other businesses.

Listen to an interview on RN Breakfast with Michael Pilbrow, Director at the National Health Co-op, who discusses the reasons behind the birth of the healthcare co-op and its continuing growth and BCCM CEO, Melina Morrison, who explains some of the barriers facing CMEs and the Federal Senate inquiry which is on-going.

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