Major parties commit to improving the operating environment for NSW co-operatives

22 March 2019

The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) welcomes these important policy commitments from the major parties to improve the operating environment for NSW-registered co-operatives. On the eve of the New South Wales election, both major parties have committed to ensuring parity for co-operative businesses registered in the State.

Melina Morrison, BCCM’s CEO, said, “In this era of accountability, we are pleased to see that both major parties recognise and value the ethical business model co-ops and mutuals use. Australians are tired of businesses putting profits before people and we look forward to working with both parties to make the changes needed to level the playing field.”

Deputy Premier John Barilaro MP, Minister for Regional Affairs, Skills and Small Business, said “the NSW Government has demonstrated its support for the co-operative sector through the renewal and reinvigoration of the NSW T-Corp co-operative loans program. Under a re-elected Liberal and Nationals government, this program will continue.”

“Liberals and Nationals in government will take steps to transfer registry functions for NSW-registered co-operatives to the Commonwealth Registrar under the Commonwealth’s Modernising Business Registers program and ensure the inclusion of co-operatives in the Director Identification Number scheme,” he said.

“I will ask my colleague, The Hon Matt Kean MP, Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation, to work with colleagues in the Australian Taxation Office and the Commonwealth Treasury, which has responsibility for these programs, to ensure the enabling Commonwealth legislation allows for inclusion of state-registered co-operatives.”

Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs and Primary Industries Mick Veitch MLC said an elected Daley Labor Government would establish a special unit with more resources to assist co-operatives in NSW and offer advice to groups and individuals considering establishing new co-ops.

Labor has committed to allocating $3.15 million over 4 years to establish the Co-operatives Unit within government.

A Daley Labor government would advocate for co-operatives to be included in the Modernising Business Registers program.

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