BCCM congratulates Gladys Berejiklian on her NSW Election win

26 March 2019

BCCM look forward to continuing work to build a fairer economy

The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) congratulates Gladys Berejiklian and the Liberal party on its win in the NSW elections.  It also thanks the Liberal party for its letter of support prior to the election and looks forward to working with new state leaders to create a fairer economy for co-ops and mutuals.

Melina Morrison, BCCM’s CEO said, “In this era of accountability, we look forward to working with State Government to ensure businesses with a social conscious stay on the agenda.  We know that the Federal and State government sets the tone for the Australian business environment through their policies and related fiscal measures.  This year, we look forward to working with our state leaders to modernise the business register to include co-ops and mutuals.

“The fundamental starting point for co-operative and mutual businesses is that they should receive the same attention, encouragement and support from governments as other corporations, so that they can compete on a level playing field. A fair Australia needs competition between business models, not just competition between businesses,” she said.

In its letter of support, the Liberal party committed to doing the following:

  • Under a Liberal and Nationals government, the NSW T-Corp co-operative loans program will continue.
  • Take steps to transfer registry functions for NSW-registered co-operatives to the Commonwealth Registrar under the Commonwealth’s Modernising Business Registers program and ensure the inclusion of co-operatives in the Director Identification Number scheme.
  • Ensure the enabling Commonwealth legislation allows for inclusion of state-registered co-operatives.

“We look forward to working with the re-elected state government, so that policy, legislation and regulation works for co-operatives and mutuals, and doesn’t place them at a disadvantage to other types of businesses.  We would like greater recognition and policy understanding of the sector at the state level.  Ultimately, we would like an enabling legislative environment for the sector in Australia.  This will happen once there is an understanding of where inappropriate regulation affects the sector and a commitment to address this where it occurs.

BCCM also would like to acknowledge the Labor party’s support for co-operatives and mutuals and thanks them for this support.

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