Pandemic means it’s time to bring co-ops together

09 May 2020

Balu Iyer, regional director of International Cooperative Alliance – Asia and Pacific, writes in a personal capacity about why now, more than ever, is the time to co-operate.

“The co-operative spirit permeating was more important than a set of principles; the focus on self-help and mutual aid, and on undertaking economic activity for service rather than profit; and co-operation among co-operatives a distinct feature of co-operative activity.”

“During the coronavirus crisis, co-operatives have stepped up to support their members and communities. In Australia, apex body the Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals (BCCM) is providing information to its members on government assistance for coronavirus-impacted businesses and what it means.”

Read more: ‘Pandemic means it’s time to bring co-ops together‘, The News.Coop
9 May 2020


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