Credit Suisse warns of blackout risk in gas price cap plan

30 November 2022

“Credit Suisse energy analyst Saul Kavonic has warned the federal government that imposing a price cap of $11-$13 a gigajoule on gas would have unintended consequences and could increase the risks of blackouts next year.”

…”But Melina Morrison, CEO of the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutual, backed the move towards caps.

“A price cap on gas for industry would be a win for manufacturers but more importantly, it’s a vital win for Australians paying the price of cruel profiteering on their food bills.”…

Read the full article, Credit Suisse warns of blackout risk in gas price cap plan, and Melina’s full quote, in the Australian Financial Review, 30 November 2022.

Read the follow-up opinion piece Chanticleer, Beware the trade-offs a gas price cap brings, in the Australian Financial Review, 1 December 2022.

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