Amid economic uncertainty, “overlooked” co-ops and mutuals thrive

26 June 2023

Australia’s top 100 co-operative and mutual enterprises saw revenue increases of 10.8% to $37.7 billion in the 2022 financial year, despite global and domestic economic uncertainty – with the greatest number being in the financial services sector, a new report has found.

A report published by the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) has found earnings across the top 100 CMEs grew at an average annual rate of 27.1%.

Co-operative and mutual enterprises (CMEs) is a business model and structure for social business that exists to deliver benefits back to members.

Including member-owned superannuation funds, CMEs contribute around 7-8% of GDP.”

Read the full article, Amid economic uncertainty, “overlooked” co-ops and mutuals thrive, in FS Sustainability, 26 June 2023.

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