New ICA-EU Partnership on International Cooperative Development launched in Brussels

17 April 2024

Source: International Cooperative Alliance

The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) has signed a new partnership agreement with the European Commission in Brussels. Starting this month, this five-year international cooperative development program aims to strengthen the ICA network and boost its role in promoting international cooperative development policies and programm. This includes closer cooperation between the different ICA regional and global offices, as well as member organisations, partners, civil society organisations, international institutions, and other development stakeholders.

As part of this partnership, the ICA will be carrying out a range of activities on capacity building and knowledge sharing; research and education; advocacy and partnerships; visibility and communications, as well as enhanced program management.

The ICA’s Strategy Unit for this program includes the directors from the global and regional offices, who will be setting the strategic directions for the program. The ICA will work with the European Commission’s Directorate General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA).

“The agreement is a strong political recognition towards the ICA and the cooperative movement is considered a key actor for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Marc Noël, the ICA’s Director of International Development.

Earlier this month Marlene Holzner, Head of the Unit at the European Commission, met with the ICA DG Jeroen Douglas to discuss various aspects of the partnership agreement.

This is the second partnership between the ICA and the European Commission, following its successful predecessor 2016-2021. All information on this program can be found at

The Global Youth Forum was one of the events carried out under the first ICA-EU partnership for cooperative development (Source: ICA)

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