MVM featured in OECD report

19 April 2024

Mutual Value Measurement© has been included in a new Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Local Economic and Employment Development Programme (LEED) report: Measure, Manage and Maximise Your Impact: A Guide for the Social Economy, which focuses on Social impact measurement and management.

“Social impact measurement and management is a particularly helpful practice for social economy entities to understand their contribution to society and potentially improve the achievement of their mission. Impact areas that are particularly important for the social economy, such as economic prosperity and employment, social inclusion and well-being and community, are often the hardest to translate into quantitative metrics. Current social impact measurement and management practices are largely shaped by funders and for-profits with limited focus on the social economy. This guide offers a simple, straightforward approach for social economy entities to measure, manage and ultimately maximise their impact, and to prioritise the use of findings for strategic organisational learning and improvement.”

MVM features in chapter 2, with a break-out box titled “Measuring the total value of mutuals and co-operatives with the Mutual Value Measurement Framework (MVM) Framework©”.

Plaudits to our research partner, Monash University, and BCCM member Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative, whose uptake of MVM is highlighted!

Read the Measure, Manage and Maximise Your Impact: A Guide for the Social Economy report.

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