The big idea to take away from the UK election

08 July 2024

UK Labour’s landslide election result is important for co-operative and mutual sectors around the world for a number of reasons. Labour went to the polls with a commitment to “support diverse business models which bring innovation and new products to market”, including the co-operative sector. This commitment is based on the understanding that an economy that encourages competition between business models, not only competition between businesses, is more dynamic and productive and works in the interests of market competition. Our Policy Blueprint makes diversity of corporate form a priority for the Australian government.

New Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s plan to double the size of the co-operative and mutual economy commits the UK Government to addressing business barriers that have stymied the growth of co-ops and mutuals for many decades.

BCCM CEO Melina Morrison discussed these barriers and what the government can do to level the playing field for co-ops and mutuals in the UK and Australia in my interview with ausbiz today, which you can watch on demand.



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