Co-op Cider Debuts

01 October 2013

The latest ‘paddock to plate’ game changer has arrived. Goulburn Valley Food Co-operative are launching Coop Cider on 10 October, at the Blue Brick Hotel in Kyabram. GVFC formed in 2012 to connect local food producers to market supply chains after Heinz closed its plant in Girgarre in 2011, retrenching their local workforce of 150. The co-operative has grown to around 1000 members who co-operate to protect Australia’s food security by turning local ingredients into quality foods that Australians want to buy.

“We believe the new production company Faire Ferments that we have helped establish will become the backbone of a new industry across the Valley with consequent opportunities for growers,” Les Cameron (GVFC Founder)

Read more about the Goulburn Valley Food Co-operative 

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