#CoopsFor2030: Co-operatives pledge to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

24 June 2016

ICA-IDC 2016

The International Co-operative Alliance has launched #CoopsFor2030, an online platform where co-operatives can make pledges to show the world how they help achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.

#CoopsFor2030 provides an exclusive space for bringing together the SDG initiatives of co-operatives from around the world on a single platform.  The Sustainable Development Goals aim to achieve 3 extraordinary things: end extreme poverty, fight inequality, fix climate change – over the next 15 years.

Co-operatives have a unique role to play in realising the goals, as they contribute to sustainable economic growth, social development and environmental responsibility. The CBH Group, Australia’s largest co-operative, has made pledges to increase their use of renewable energy and reduce their waste to landfill burden.

Speaking from a UN meeting, Monique Leroux, President of the International Co-operative Alliance stated:

“By their nature, co-operatives are sustainable businesses with a long-term vision for their development. Owing to their values and principles, they are well positioned to contribute to the well-being of communities and to meet their needs. It’s in their DNA. “They will also be taking concrete action during the 2016 International Summit of Cooperatives as part of an unprecedented collaborative exercise. Over the course of half a day, more than 3000 cooperative sector players will look at the major issues identified by the UN.”

Make a pledge now and your co-operative could win a pass for the International Summit of Cooperatives in Canada later this year. On 2 July, people around the world celebrated the International Day of Co-operatives and the theme for this year’s celebration was Co-operatives: The power to act for a sustainable future.

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