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9 November 2015 - 10 November 2015
495 Collins St
wThe 2015 BCCM Leaders’ Summit and Industry Dinner was held from the 9-10 November at the InterContinental Hotel Rialto in Melbourne.
Following a successful inaugural event in 2014, the theme for this year’s event was Ahead of the Curve: Co-operatives and Mutuals Delivering a Stronger Australian Economy. The Summit focused on how to turn disruption into business advantage and leveraging customer growth for social business values. The Summit also addressed capital, governance and regulatory issues.
At the Summit, the BCCM also launched the 2015 National Mutual Economy Report which maps the size, composition and overall health of the co-operative and mutual sector in Australia.
The 2016 Taste of Australia Industry Dinner and Leaders’ Summit took place from 8-9 November at Old Parliament House, Canberra.
With thanks to our 2015 Leaders’ Summit sponsors: