‘Third way’ for government services wins Kevin Andrews’ approval

05 September 2014

The launch of the Public Service Mutuals White Paper was featured in the Sydney Morning Herald, and syndicated nationally.

Public servants should form their own co-operatives and bid for the right to provide government health, education, welfare and even emergency services, according to a new report that has won the backing of the Abbott government.

The report, to be launched by Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews in Canberra on Thursday, also calls for “mutuals” such as motoring group NRMA or insurance outfit Australian Unity to be able to take over government functions.

Mr Andrews will tell the event’s audience that his government will support “out-of-the-box” thinking on service delivery.

Australia’s mutuals lobby group says this “third way” could be a route for public servants displaced by the selloff of their agencies to work their way back into the game.

The report from the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) says the government, private and community sectors can all fail in different ways and that entities owned by employees or members are now best placed to step in and take over government services.

Read the full story,  ‘Third way’ for government services wins Kevin Andrews’ approval, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 Sep

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