Parliamentary Friends of Mutuals and Co-operatives

21 November 2024

Parliamentary Friends: Educating the Hill (Canberra) – event time and date to be confirmed

Parliamentary Friends of Co-operatives and Mutuals was formed in 2017 following the BCCM advocacy for bipartisan political support. The Group galvanises political support for co-ops and mutuals across the political parties. The Group holds biannual meetings at Australian Parliament House to focus political attention on the sector.

The Group’s co-Chairs are Ms Louise Miller-Frost and the Hon Kevin Hogan.

Contact the BCCM for more information about this upcoming event.



21 November 2024



Latest events

26 November 2024 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
A program for employees of co-operative and mutual businesses developed to ensure a consistent level of knowledge across the co-operative and mutual sector.