2024 Taste of Australia Dinner and Leaders' Summit

Elevate! Our identity, impact, influence

22–23 October 2024

Ahead of the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives 2025, now is the time to Elevate! Our identity, impact, influence”.

The 2024 Leaders’ Summit will focus on how we can rise in the public psyche with a narrative that defines our identity and amplifies our impact and influence in the national conversation about for-purpose business.


Key speakers

WA Minister for Agriculture and Small Business

Chair Wesfarmers

Partner and Chair of The Asia Group's Australia Practice

CEO Rabobank Australia

Former Australian Cricket Coach and cricketer

CEO Newcastle Building Society

Chief Economist, Westpac Group and Chair Australian Business Economists

ABC Insiders

BCCM Leaders’ Summit

Wednesday, 23 October 2024, 9:30 am – 5:10 pm AWST (with drinks following until 6 pm),  Ritz-Carlton in Perth

Dress code: Business attire

We have a strong program for this year’s summit, focusing on how we can rise in the public psyche with a narrative that defines our identity and amplifies our impact and influence in the national conversation about for-purpose business.

Join other co-operative and mutual leaders at closed-door CEO roundtables and panel discussions to learn from each other, share your ideas and explore new ways of doing business.

Explore topics including:

  • the global success of co-operatives and mutuals,
  • improving brand awareness of our business model with customers,
  • deepening our member value proposition and the
  • impact of regulation on business productivity.

This year, we have five Leaders Dialogues, expanding on what has become one of our most popular sessions. These breakout sessions will focus on industry sectors, including:

  1. Agricultural roundtable – tackling the horizon issue in producer co-ops
  2. Better care in the bush – how co-ops and mutuals are shaping the future of care in remote, regional and rural communities
  3. Countercyclical strategy and mutual brand equity in financial services – Mutual Value Framework business case study
  4. Regulation roundtable – the 2025 regulatory outlook and effective advocacy
  5. The power of co-operating with First Nations businesses; and doing more with the co-op business model

Panel discussions explore the leading performance of co-operatives and mutuals in housing, sustainability and talent acquisition. Our closing plenary looks to co-operatives to safeguard Australia’s food security.

Browse our BCCM 2024 Leaders’ Summit program at a glance (subject to change). 

Purchase your early bird tickets for the Leaders’ Summit before midnight, 31 August.

If you have any questions, please contact our Events Convenor, Beverley Wood.

Leaders' Summit Speakers

Chair Wesfarmers

Partner and Chair of The Asia Group's Australia Practice

CEO Rabobank Australia

Chief Economist, Westpac Group and Chair Australian Business Economists

CEO Newcastle Building Society

ABC Senior Business Correspondent

Commissioner for Consumer Protection WA

Chai CBH Group



CEO Capricorn Society


CEO P&N Group

Chair Geraldton Fishermen's Co-operative

CEO Geraldton Fishermen's Co-operative

CEO SGS Economics & Planning

CEO Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland

CEO KeyInvest

Managing Director, Mutuo (UK)

Director Mutual Value Lab Monash University

Principal, Watts Sustainability

Program Director, Care Together

BCCM Special Advisor, Care Together Program Manager

Director, Bunji Consultancies

Partner, Corrs Chambers Westgarth

Legal Director, BAL Lawyers

Chair Energy Consumers Australia

Partner, Grant Thornton

Partner, Piper Alderman

Chair BCCM and Group Managing Director and CEO Australian Unity

Policy and Government Affairs Manager, BCCM

Senior Policy Adviser, BCCM

Summit program

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

9:00–9:30 AM Registration

Registration and welcome tea and coffee

9:30–10:00 AM Welcome, Summit opening

Welcome to Country

MC: Melina Morrison, CEO BCCM

Welcome: Rohan Mead, Chair, BCCM

Conference opening: The Hon Patrick Gorman MP, Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, Assistant Minister for the Public Service (TBC)

10:00–10:30 AM Opening keynote

Opening keynote: Muscular mutuality – co-ops and mutuals thriving with a growth mindset

Presented by Capricorn Society

Platinum Partner introduction: David Fraser, CEO Capricorn Society

Speaker: The Hon. Arthur Sinodinos AO, Partner and Chair of the Australia Practice of The Asia Group and former Australian Ambassador to the United States

10:30–11:15 AM Opening panel

Opening panel: Walking with giants – the global success of co-ops and mutuals

Moderator: Peter Ryan, ABC Business Editor

Panel: David Fraser, Group CEO Capricorn Society, Ben Macnamara, CEO CBH Group, Dr Lachlan Henderson, CEO HBF (TBC), Christian Hofer, Head of Sustainability, Political Affairs & Cooperative at Raiffeisen Switzerland (TBC)

11:15–11:30 AM Morning tea

Presented by CEHL

11:30–12:45 PM The Leader Dialogues

Five deep-dive discussions with industry case studies

Places are strictly limited and allocated at online booking and registration

Dialogue 1: Agricultural roundtable – tackling the horizon issue in producer co-ops

Moderator: Simon Venus, Partner, Piper Alderman

Discussants: Mark Wiessing, CEO Rabobank Australia, Brenton Woolston, CEO AlmondCo (TBC), Basil Lenzo, Chair, Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative, Simon Stead, Chair, CBH Group, Su McCluskey, Special Representative for Australian Agriculture (TBC)

Co-operatives are recognised as the world’s leading, sustainable business model for farmers to retain control of supply chains, optimise farmgate returns and compete globally. Co-ops produce some of the best-known food and beverage brands like Oceanspray, Fonterra, Danish Crown and Norco. If co-ops exist solely to benefit primary producers and protect farmers from market exploitation, what leads producer co-operatives to sometimes fail? This roundtable will explore the pressures in producer co-ops that can weaken member loyalty and start a domino process towards demutualisation. Legislative protections for co-ops to resist corporatisation will also be discussed.

Dialogue 2: Better care in the bush – how co-ops and mutuals are shaping the future of care in remote, regional and rural communities

Moderator: Michael Pilbrow, Special Advisor BCCM and Program Manager Care Together

Discussants: Gillian McFee, Program Director Care Together, Clive Thompson Director CoSolve (TBC) and Care Together project representatives

Care Together is the BCCM’s program to help Australian communities in regional, rural, and remote areas to explore novel co-op and mutual approaches to address failures in the delivery of care. Care Together is funded through a $7 million grant from the Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care, to work with local groups of care workers, care recipients and care organisations on solutions in all areas of care from aged and disability care to Indigenous, veterans and primary healthcare. This roundtable will discuss the benefits of co-ops and mutuals delivering care, how Care Together is working with different BCCM members on care projects. You will also hear from people directly involved in Care Together projects. 

Dialogue 3: Countercyclical strategy and mutual brand equity in financial services – Mutual Value Framework business case study

A workshop facilitated by Peter Hunt, Managing Partner, Mutuo, with Andrew Haigh, CEO Newcastle Building Society (UK) and Dr Paul Thambar, Director Mutual Value Lab Monash University.

Newcastle Building Society became the first UK mutual awarded Mutual Value Accreditation after this leading UK mutual bank decided to develop its own Mutual Value Framework to guide an innovative strategy for growth. This deep dive workshop will explore the implementation of a countercyclical business strategy aimed at enhancing their mutual brand equity, including opening new branches and promoting passbooks and other customer services, that is driving growth and profitability.

Dialogue 4: Regulation roundtable – the 2025 regulatory outlook and effective advocacy

Moderator: Dr Michael Schaper, Chair, Energy Consumers Australia

Discussants: Trish Blake, Commissioner for Consumer Protection WA, Jo Dodd, Partner Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Tari Makanda, Partner Grant Thornton, and Anthony Taylor, Head of Policy and Government Affairs, BCCM.

 This roundtable discussion with regulatory experts about the hits, misses and horizon issues for co-ops and mutuals will explore how co-ops and mutuals can better advocate for the business model and utilising new legislative provisions like mutual capital instruments more effectively. Does regulation inhibit the ability of co-ops and mutuals to grow and compete? What can we learn from other jurisdictions about the design of regulation governing co-ops and mutuals?

Dialogue 5: The power of co-operating with First Nations businesses; and doing more with the co-op business model

Moderator: Neil Willmett, CEO, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland

Discussants: Pastor Ray Minniecon, Director Bunji Consultancies, Linda Seaborn, Senior Policy Advisor, BCCM, Mark Love, Legal Director, Business & Corporate, BAL Lawyers

12:45–2:00 PM Networking lunch
2:00–2:45 PM Business leaders in conversation

Presented by P&N Group

Interviewer: Peter Ryan, ABC Business Editor

Discussants: Andrew Hadley, CEO P&N Group in conversation with Michael Chaney AO, former Chair, Wesfarmers

2:45–3:30 PM Afternoon breakout panels

Panel 1: Leveraging “Brand Mutual” for talent and member acquisition and engagement

Moderator: Peter Hunt, Managing Partner, Mutuo (UK)

Panel: Justin James, CEO HIF, Andrew Haigh, CEO Newcastle Building Society, Jacky Mills Chief Experience Officer, Capricorn Society

Panel 2: Climate action case studies – the signatories to the BCCM Climate Policy

Moderator: Peter Watts, Principal, Watts Sustainability

Panel: TBC

The Declaration was launched at the 2022 BCCM Leader’s Conference. In the intervening two years, there has been significant movement in the policy context, including new mandatory reporting requirements from the Australian Government. This session will explore how the BCCM’s members have been implementing climate action and their members’ upcoming plans through a showcase of case studies and a panel discussion.

3:30–3:45 PM Afternoon tea
3:45–4:25 PM: Closing panel

Closing panel: Housing for the common good – how co-ops and mutuals can help fix Australia’s housing challenge

This plenary examines Australia’s housing crisis and BCCM’s work with members to develop a national housing strategy for the co-op and mutual sector to help tackle the crisis.

Moderator: Alison Holloway, CEO, SGS Economics & Planning

Panel: Liz Thomas, CEO CEHL, Neil Willmett, CEO Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Queensland, Craig Brooke, CEO KeyInvest

4.25–5:00 PM Closing keynote

Closing keynote: Co-operating for food security – the importance of farmer and fisher control in agriculture

Presented by Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative (GFC)

Platinum Partner introduction: Marc Anderson, CEO GFC

Speaker: Mark Wiessing, CEO Rabobank Australia

5:00–5:10 PM Summit close

Elevating our identity: Summit close and soft launch of the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives 2025

Melina Morrison, CEO BCCM

5:10–6:00 PM Closing drinks

Hotel bar

Key events at the BCCM Leaders’ Summit

CEM 100 Chair's Forum

Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 11:45 am for 12 – 2:30 pm AWST, Ritz-Carlton in Perth

Dress code: Business attire

At the 19th CME 100 Chairs’ Forum, invited member Chairs will share their governance processes under the Chatham House Rule, and hear from guest speaker, Rade Musulin, Principal, Finity, who will speak on how co-operatives and mutuals are a key part of Australia’s sustainable future.

2024 Taste of Australia Dinner and Honour Roll

Presented by CBH Group

Tuesday, 22 October 2024, 6:30 – 11 pm WAST, Ritz-Carlton in Perth

Dress code: Business suit and cocktail dress

The annual Taste of Australia Dinner and BCCM Honour Roll has become a must-attend networking event for co-op and mutual leaders.

Join us to celebrate the achievements of retiring leaders and enjoy some of the best co-operative produce and fine wine while being entertained by our MC, ABC TV’s Insiders host, David Speers, and special guests, including a political address.

MC: David Speers, Host, ABC Insiders 

Guest speakers:  

Ben Macnamara, CEO CBH Group 

The Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC, WA Minister for Agriculture and Small Business 

Senator Murray Watt, Minister for Agriculture and Emergency Management (TBC) 

Invited VIP: 

The Hon Patrick Gorman MP, Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, Assistant Minister for the Public Service (TBC) 

BCCM Leaders’ Breakfast 

Presented by RAC WA

Wednesday, 23 October 2024, 7:30 – 9 am AWST, Ritz-Carlton in Perth

Dress code: Business suit

BCCM members, community stakeholders and political representatives will meet to discuss the role of co-operatives and mutuals in building a better Australia.

Hear from Rob Slocombe, Group CEO, RAC WA and guest speaker Justin Langer AM, former Australian Cricket Coach and cricketer.

2024 co-operative tour

Presented by Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Site visit to GFC Welshpool Export Facility/Fremantle plant

Chairs, Dinner and Breakfast speakers

Principal, Finity Consulting

WA Minister for Agriculture and Small Business

ABC Insiders

Former Australian Cricket Coach and cricketer



2024 Leaders’ Summit partners


2024 BCCM Leaders' Summit partners